Comic Characters
Some of the fish life but especially the critters and creatures sometimes make me smile underwater since they look like they have just escaped a cartoon. It always makes me wonder how nature could...
View ArticleYellow Bargibantis-The Four Leaf Clovers
All seahorses are amazing, but the pigmy seahorse is the real crowd pleaser of the family. it’s insane to think that such an unbelievably small and cute creature could ever exist. There are many many...
View ArticleThird Pinnacle
There is one dive site in the north of Komodo that holds a beautiful secret many liveaboards do not know about. So as to keep this little secret as long as possible I will refrain from disclosing name...
View ArticleVariations
As divers we get used to or are at least familiar with the colors, textures, shapes and sizes of certain species. Mantas are generally black and white with similar patterns on the back and belly, leaf...
View ArticleRound and Round
Manta rays are a very intelligent animal. They have large brains and when you have a one on one encounter with one you can see that it is analyzing you trying to make out just what you are. Over the...
View ArticleBatu Moncho
Batu Moncho is home to one of the most extensive and beautiful reefs in Komodo National Park. Vast gardens of hard and soft coral stretch from the surface down the gentle reef slope to the soft white...
View ArticleFrom the Surface
We all know how much Komodo offers just below the surface, if you don’t then I’ll tell you now, there is loads. To give you an idea, scientists estimate that one small reef in Komodo can have more...
View ArticleThree is a Crowd
Have you ever found your self stuck in the middle of a heated competition of underwater courtship by some of the oceans largest animals? Unless you are a BBC camera man paid to seek out these...
View ArticleFact: Komodo Has A Lot of Mantas
We all know Komodo is famous for it’s mantas, but when you’re diving on any of it’s well known manta sites such as Manta Alley or Takat Makasar, aka Manta Point, it’s difficult to tell just how may...
View ArticleAmbush Season
From Komodo to Sangeang Volcano it’s hard to not find a bommie (coral head) that is not completely engulfed with a cloud of orange sweepers (little orange and silver fish). On certain bommies it’s...
View ArticleThe Rock
Batu Bolong is one of Komodo’s signature sites. It’s a small rock pinnacle that just breaks the waters surface with it’s signature rocky arch and it lies right in the middle of the Linta Straight...
View ArticleHow Good is Komodo?
Mermaid II just returned from quite possibly one of it’s most jaw dropping trips in Komodo. We had all the usual suspects like the stunning reefscapes filled with a bounty of reef fish and all the...
View ArticleNo Place Like It
I’ve probably written this before, but I’m going to do it again because enough can’t be said about how insanely diverse the diving in Komodo is. There is only one other place in the world that I know...
View ArticleAaaaand ACTION!!!”
Batu Bolong, a pinnacle in the middle of the Lintah Strait, is one of the signature dive sites of Komodo and exposed to strong currents due to its location. What looks like a small rock with a hole...
View ArticleThe King Of Critters
Komodo is a great place for an abundance of critters and creatures but one of my absolute favourites is the Frogfish or Anglerfish. Sometimes we tend to forget about this majestic fish with the...
View ArticleHighway To Heaven
I may risk to sound really boring making Manta Rays my main subject of this article again but they are definitely THE highlight of almost every trip and surely of this Komodo season. It’s like a dream...
View ArticleThe Shallows
Divers always want to go deep. It’s a common thought among divers that the deeper you go, the more your going to see. In some dive spots this may be true as some species only dwell in the deep dark...
View ArticleMental Preparation
Before joining a Mermaid cruise through Komodo, it’s good to do a bit of mental preparation by running some different scenarios though your head. No, I’m not talking about mentally run through all the...
View ArticleCheeky Butterfly Fish
If you’ve spent any reasonable amount of time underwater in the tropics, whether it be diving or snorkeling, you’ve most likely encountered the alien like cuttlefish. Komodo fore example, has many...
View ArticleLike In An Aquarium
Diving in Komodo can feel like swimming in a gigantic aquarium with countless numbers and species of fish, calm and clear waters – only difference being that there is no glass windows! Our morning dive...
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